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Water to a good place

The residents of the Bom Lugar neighborhood are part of the pioneering group that, together with Padrinho Sebastião, opened the paths through the forest, founding Vila Céu do Mapiá. Currently, considered as the elders of the forest, these people need accessibility to drinking water. Bairro Bom Lugar was the community's former swidden.
After so many years helping to build the Vila, the time has come to help those who were and still are so important to the history of the Doctrine and its expansion!

Image by Amritanshu Sikdar

The lack of access to drinking water is one of the central problems that will be solved with the implementation of this project. Another objective is the improvement of the economic situation of the families, from the generation of income with the production of vegetables and the reduction in the expenses with pumping.

IDARIS, as an Environmental Development Institute, which supports sustainability actions in Céu do Mapiá, supports this project conceived and managed by young people from Mapiá and other parts of Brazil, which aims to improve the quality of life of residents of Bairro Lugar by making water available drinkable in that locality. The Campaign is also supported by the Nova Era Institute, Canal Jagube and the Florescer da Nova Era group.

Banco Sicoob 
Ag.: 3214
CC.: 70.735-0
CNPJ.: 17.302.323.0001-32




Perfuração de poço artesiano

Image by kai brune


22 people 

7 houses
8 families 

Copos de água


Implement a semi-artesian well system,
solar powered pumping and water distribution
up to the houses.

Mangueira de jardim de extinção


Improve quality of life and economic situation
of families.

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